We are so excited to meet you at our home Elias Cattery Cat Café!
Please read the following so that your visit will be pleasant and without any issues!
Because it is our real home, we ask you to book your visit on-line. If you will have any questions during booking, please text/call Maria at (919)609-5106. We’re really appreciate, if you’ll aware and agree with our Terms and Conditions, to avoid any unpleasant issues during your visit.
Please arrive just few minutes early, because we’ll need 15 minutes for possible need to clean and little break. We are still working on how will be better to offer your our service and we are open for any suggestions and recommendations, but right now, we think, the first, you can enjoy the meeting and playing with our furry family for 60 minutes, then you can enjoy the cup of coffee with the sweet/savory treats we'll offer to you, and have a nice conversation about Scottish Fold Breed as long, as you want (unlimited)!
This is very important:
For the health of our cats and kittens please wash your hands or use sanitizer before you'll enter to the rooms with animals! And the same thing please do before getting the food! We'll provide you with everything necessarily. We also will ask you to remove your shoes and encourage you to bring a spare socks (not necessarily, but just in case!).
We are going to have a break during the day for 2 hours: the cats’ and kittens’ need to get rest! The little and young ones love and need to sleep! And it is absolutely necessarily for their healthy developing!
Also, please do not pick up any cats/kittens, unless they would jump on you lap by their own will.
We will provide you with the special treats, which our cats/kittens love, but don't hold the treats in your fingers to avoid accidental bites: only on the palm of your hand! Also no other foods or treats allowed.
Please keep the cats room doors always closed! Watch your kids do not open them too! The cats/ kittens are not allowed in the food area, besides that we can't lose such precious creatures and valuable representatives of this new amazing cat breed with a "dog's" personalities!
Despite that our cats and kittens are very social and love people on their genetic level, they still can be stressed by loud sounds, so we are asking you, please keep your voices low and movements calm! Watch your steps all the time: they can jump unexpectedly under your feet and can be seriously traumatized!
We are really hoping that you enjoy your visit of our Cattery, enjoy the Cafe part and communication with us, passionate fans and professional breeders of Scottish Fold/Straight!