“Don't Be Stressed Out And Upset,
When You Can Get A Kitty-Cat!”
-Elias Cattery®
We are taking breeding of cats - seriously!
I'm happy to share with you, our visitors, that I have graduated from Oxford College of one year Feline Studies online.

Did someone mention "Black Friday?" :)
(This is one of the kittens, who was born in our cattery! Thanks to everyone who shares such wonderful photos with us !!! We decided to open an additional page with pictures of our cattery graduates from their new families!)
Best Wishes to you
from Elias Cattery
in 2024!!!

Be aware of scams!
I've heard lots of stories regarding all kind of kitten sale scams, but I've never thought that such thing could somehow affect our Cattery as well! This is just proof that there are real scams out there and, please, be very careful when you're paying someone you don't know! Before getting the kitten, ask the seller for a FaceTime call to see the kitten, let the owner provide you with veterinarian records and registrations with well-known cats associations, if the kitten is purebred! There should be a sales contract to protect rights of all sides: yours, as a purchaser’s, the seller’s and, of course, the kitten's! Get as much information as possible! Purebred kittens are not cheap and make sure, that you're paying your money to the right person, who puts a lot of effort to work on the specific breed and gets the value of the animals through professional judgment on the cat shows, but don't breed the animals in a dishonorable way for gaining profit.
Here is the correspondence on my cellphone with one careful person, who wanted to buy a kitten through Craigslist and suddenly decided to make a search on the name of that kitten (the fraudster did not even change the name of the kitten, leaving our photos and the name that we gave the kitten before we've sold him to his new family). Under our pictures the fraudster was selling (if he was selling any kitten at all!) the female kitten. I have immediately contacted to the owner of our kitten, to find out, if they put the kitten for sale for any reason. The kitten on our pictures was hardly reaching four months old, but the guy was selling the ten months old kitten. So new owner responded, that they even didn't think to sell him and they love that kitty! Thanks to search engine, where people can easily find my website and contact information, the person avoided spending money on that scam!

Lilies and Cats Don’t Belong Together!
Most cases of lily poisoning in cats occur in April. Chelsea Arnold shares the tragic story of how these beautiful, but deadly, flowers affected her family in a video taped at a recent TICA show.
Please watch this video:
One of the best representatives of the
Scottish Fold breed is in our Cattery!
Said Christina Baumer (Provisional Allbreed Judge) at the
Cat Show in Hampton, Virginia, 21-23 of February 2020
We are very excited to share with you, that our Cattery is now going to be known in the whole world!
Our Cats and the Cattery got added
into TICA's 2019 Year Book!

406 glossy pages!
Great work of many people from
The International Cat Association!

We are so happy and proud to share with you our great achievements for 2019 year!
Our Elias got FOUR TITLES:

And another our female Yuki got the TITLE of Champion:

Welcome to all our visitors!
First of all, I want to express my deep appreciation to everybody, who is
interested in our selection work and wish to get a kitten from us!
We are trying to do everything in our efforts to make your experience with getting your new furry family member exciting, easy and memorable!
We feel responsible for the commitment you do with your new furry family member for many years to come, and we want it to be memorable and happy! So many kittens are for sale around, and many are far from being cheap, but we are so in love with this new and so charming breed of Scottish Fold and Straight cats, that our main goal is to preserve and improve it, and we put a lot of hard work, studying, high expense to breed and raise kittens with great health, specific behavior habits, companionable personalities and outstanding colors, to make worth every dollar you paid for these fluffy joys from our cattery!
All our efforts are proved by great success
through Cat Shows for the year 2019:
our animals got international winnings!